Sunday, 4 January 2015

Chilli Paste Baked Salmon

Baked salmon with home made chilli paste. Minimal preparation time,  a suitable dish to prepare in the face of a busy schedule. 

Yield : 2 servings
Prep time: 5 - 10 min
Cooking / baking time: 20 min


Salmon fillet (est 400 - 600g)
Homemade chilli paste (click here for recipe)
Hua Diao cooking wine (1 table spoon)
Salt (1/5 tsp)


Cut the salmon filet into severing size. Slice a gap in between each severing salmon for easy cooking.

Add 1 tablespoon of Hua Diao cooking wine to each severing salmon. You can substitute cooking wine with mirin too. 

Rub salt (1/5 tsp) onto each severing salmon.

Add about 2 tablespoons of homemade chilli paste evenly on the top of the salmon fillet.

Set the oven to 210C with top and bottom heating and bake the salmon for about 20 minutes. 

Enjoy with any other side dishes.